Round angelle ibhokisi lokunethezeka ibhokisi jewerry ukupakisha ibhokisi lesipho

Incazelo emfushane:

Phakamisa isitoreji sakho sobucwebe ngebhokisi lethu le-pu pu jewerry yethu elinokhiya-inhlanganisela ephelele yobuhle nokuphepha. Yakhelwe kusuka ku-pu lesikhumba esezingeni eliphakeme, leli bhokisi elikhulu linikezela ngento ethambile, enezinto ezingaphakathi ze-velvet. Indlela evikelekile yokukhiya iqinisekisa izinto zakho zenani elikhulu Noma ngabe ukusetshenziswa komuntu siqu noma njengesixazululo sokupakisha okunethezeka, leli bhokisi lobucwebe lengeza ukuthinta kokuxinana nanoma yiliphi iqoqo. Hlela, uvikele, futhi ubonise ubucwebe bakho ngesitayela!

Imininingwane Yomkhiqizo

Amathegi Omkhiqizo

Ifaka umklamo oyinkimbinkimbi onemiphetho eyindilinga, leli bhokisi libonisa imigqa ebushelelezi kanye nokuthinta okunethezekile. Ingaphakathi lihlelwe ngokucatshangelwa ngezingxenye eziningi zokuhlanza izindandatho, imigexo, amacici, nezinye izingcezu zobucwebecwebe ezahlukahlukene, ziqinisekisa ukuthi zihlala zisesimweni esifanele.

Leli bhokisi lidlulela ngalé kokusebenza nje; Kuyisipho esiyigugu ngokwayo. Ukubukeka kwayo okujabulisayo kanye nohlu lwemibala ekhethiwe (ebomvu, eluhlaza okwesibhakabhaka, grey) yenza kube ukukhetha okuhle kakhulu kwesipho. Noma ngabe kuwusuku lokuzalwa, usuku lokuzalwa, noma olunye umkhosi obalulekile, leli bhokisi lizokwengeza ukuthinta kobukhazikhazi kwisipho sakho.

Khombisa ukunaka kwakho imininingwane nokunambitha ngenkathi unikeza ikhaya elifanele lobucwebe bakho. Khetha ibhokisi lethu lokunethezeka eliyindilinga lokuvikela amagugu akho abalulekile futhi ubonise i-charm yabo engapheli.


Into yendaba


Igama lomkhiqizo

Ibhokisi lobucwebe lokunethezeka

Into uqobo lwayo

Isikhumba se-PU


okuluhlaza okwesibhakabhaka/ ukukhanya okwesibhakabhaka / okubomvu


Gukuqeda okudala


Iphakethe lobucwebe


Abesifazane, abesilisa, i-Unisex, izingane

Igama lomkhiqizo

Ubukhulu (mm)

Isisindo se-net (g)

Ibhokisi Landa

61 * 66 * 61


Ibhokisi le-pandent

71 * 71 * 47


Ibhokisi le-Bangle

90 * 90 * 47


Ibhokisi lesongo

238 * 58 * 37


Ukubeka esikhathini esithileIbhokisi lobucwebe

195 * 190 * 50


Jeweliry jewelry jewelry bhokisi lokubiza ukugcinwa ubucwebe Umhleli nge-Lock Elegant Heather Box Box Box pu pu pu pu lesikhumba
Pulence jewerry jewelry bhokisi lokunethezeka ukugcinwa ubucwebe Umhleli nge-Lock Elegant Heather Box Box Box pu pu pu lesikhumba Isitoreji Isembozo sobucwebecwebe (5)
PU leather jewelry box Luxury jewelry storage Jewelry organizer with lock Elegant gift box PU leather storage case Lockable jewelry box High-end jewelry packaging Fashion jewelry organizer Leather jewelry case Jewelry display box (4)
Jewelry jewelry Jewer Jewer Jewerry Consourser Jewelry Organiser nge-Lock Elegant Heathent Box Box Box pu pu pu pu lesikhumba Isitoreji Isembozo sobucwebecwebe (6)
PU leather jewelry box Luxury jewelry storage Jewelry organizer with lock Elegant gift box PU leather storage case Lockable jewelry box High-end jewelry packaging Fashion jewelry organizer Leather jewelry case Jewelry display box (7)
Pulence jewelry jewelry xxUCRY Ubucwebe Ukugcina ubucwebe unhlangano nge-Lock Elegant Heather Box Box Box pu pu I-Box PU Lesikhumba Isitoreji Tebulhel Box Teacher Bhayibheli (9)
Bhe jeweler jewelry bheyi okunethezeka ukugcinwa ubucwebe umhlangano wobucwebe nge-Lock Elegant Heather Box Box pu pu I-Box PU LEAIR STREALL BOLY BOLY BOLY BOLY BOLY BOLY BOLY BOLYBHECK BOXTSHESHERS I-Jewer Bhayibhele (8)
Jeweliry jewelry jewelry bhokisi lokunethezeka ukugcinwa ubucwebe Umhleli nge-Lock Elegant Heathent Box Box pu pu pu pu pu I-Box PU Lesikhumba Isethi Yesitoreji sobucwebecwebe (10)
PU leather jewelry box Luxury jewelry storage Jewelry organizer with lock Elegant gift box PU leather storage case Lockable jewelry box High-end jewelry packaging Fashion jewelry organizer Leather jewelry case Jewelry display box
Pulence jewer jewelry Jewer Jewerry Consourser Jewelry Organing nge-Lock Elegant Heather Box Box Box pu pu lesikhumba Isitoreji Isembozo sobucwebecwebe i-jewelry jewelry jewelry jewelry jeweli 1
PU leather jewelry box Luxury jewelry storage Jewelry organizer with lock Elegant gift box PU leather storage case Lockable jewelry box High-end jewelry packaging Fashion jewelry organizer Leather jewelry case Jewelry display box
Jeweliry jewelry jewelry bhokisi lokubiza ukugcinwa ubucwebe Umhleli nge-Lock Elegant Heather Box Box Box pu pu pu pu lesikhumba
Pulence jewer jewelry Jewer Jewerry Consourser Jewelry Organing nge-Lock Elegant Heather Box Box Box pu pu lesikhumba Isitoreji Isembozo sobucwebecwebe i-jewelry jewelry jewelry jewelry jeweli 1
Pulence jewerry jewelry bhokisi lokunethezeka ukugcinwa ubucwebe Umhleli nge-Lock Elegant Heather Box Box Box pu pu pu lesikhumba Isitoreji Isembozo sobucwebecwebe (5)
Jeweliry jewelry jewelry bhokisi lokunethezeka ukugcinwa ubucwebe Umhleli nge-Lock Elegant Heathent Box Box pu pu pu pu pu I-Box PU Lesikhumba Isethi Yesitoreji sobucwebecwebe (10)

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